Setting up our mergerSetting up our merger

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Setting up our merger

My small business has been pretty successful. We've recently been approached to merge with another local company as we think that having twice as many outlets and staff might help us both have more profitable sales. I want to make sure that the merger is fair and that we are not being taken advantage of, so I am getting a full legal review done. Our lawyers have been really helpful in explaining what all of the legal terms mean so that we know what we are actually signing. This blog is to help other people who might be looking for any sort of legal help.


Getting Recompense for Whiplash After a Car Accident

Whiplash is a common side effect after a car accident. It occurs when a violent impact jolts the spine forward, and the forward motion is stopped by the seatbelt and sends the head and spine rapidly backwards. It can be mild or severe. In some cases, it can cause substantial discomfort, as well as loss of enjoyment. Keep a diary of your symptoms If you are having sporadic symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, weakness or dizziness, then it is a good idea to keep a diary of these issues. Read More 

Ways to Minimize the Effects of a Separation on Your Children

Separation can be a stressful and challenging time for spouses, and it is easy to get caught up in the conflict and forget the effect that it can have on children. During this period, one parent may choose to live away from the family as a permanent solution is being sought. Children, especially those below teenage years, usually sense the tension between the parents during this period. If a separation is not handled in the right way, it can affect their behavior, as well as their social and academic life. Read More 

Opening a New Business? Here Are a Couple of the Entities You Could File It As

An oversight some newbie business people make is assuming that opening their business is just a matter of getting licensing and beginning operations. The truth is one of the crucial decisions you would have to make is decide what type of entity your business will be recognized as. This is why it would be essential to engage the services of a business lawyer so you can have the appropriate advice on what type of entity would be best suited for your individual business endeavor. Read More 

When Can You Sue Your Employer for Compensation Outside Of Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Workers' compensation law allows employees to make claims against their employers under certain circumstances.  However, there are some occasions when you can make an additional claim outside of workers' compensation law.  If you think that you may be able to make a claim, it's always best to seek the advice of an experienced workers' compensation lawyer.  In the meantime, here's a brief overview of when you could potentially make a successful claim outside of workers' compensation insurance and how to go about it. Read More 

Four Facts to Remember When Choosing a Lawyer to Help You Adopt a Child

If you plan to adopt a child, you may need to work with a family lawyer. These professionals can ensure that all the proper paperwork is filed so that you never have to worry about losing the child you have adopted. Here are some tips to help you find the right family lawyer for your adoption needs: 1. Step-parents need to apply through the Family Court system. If you are the step-parent of a child and you wish to adopt that child, you typically need to take the case through the family court system. Read More